Your keyboard is breaking and it's only getting worse...

Welcome to BoardKey, made in 48 hours for the GMTK 2023 Game Jam!

The goal of this game is to type out every word which appears on screen. Seems simple, but every few words you'll swap two of the keys on your keyboard!

While this game starts very simple, it can get overwhelming incredibly quickly as the game transitions from a typing game to an anti-typing game where you have to fight your muscle memory to hit the 'wrong' keys to correctly type out each word.

Developer high-sore: 46  50

For anyone better at this than me, there are extra challenges that unlock at score levels 50 and 75.

Everything was made by me except:

"Raving Energy" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

"Space Jazz" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

Audio FX by Kenney

Fonts from


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I got a score of 92! At level 50 the font changes, and at level 75 the part you've typed stops becoming red. 

The trick is just type the word normally, then type the transformed word again, because after two transitions every letter returns to itself.


interesting idea


veit cxxb!!! R gxy a scxie xf 23 and nxw R'm syuck ytprng yhrs wat...


Very ccool


Interesting idea, fun to play!


I got a score of 46! Nice game!